Divergent Earth: Parallel 34.21.12
It is the early 20th Century, around 1910.
The Southeastern part of North America is populated by what could be called Voodoo Vikings, who settled in the 12th century.
The West sees an organized federation of First Nations people who protect their borders and their sovereignty, and who were given a leg up by ancient aliens.
In the Northeast is this parallel's version of the United States, which maintains military advantage through alliances with other-dimensional beings and sentient parasitic fungi.
Parallel1 34.21.12 is a homebrew setting for Mythras. It's a mashup of core Mythras, After the Vampire Wars (ATVW), Luther Arkwright (LA), Worlds United (WU), and some homebrew rules.
1 The term parallel is from Luther Arkwright; it means parallel dimension or timeline. The number for a parallel denotes its distance from the "origin" or root dimension.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Making a Character in Parallel 34.21.12
See below for sources/source books and character sheets. Reference copies will be provided at the table.
Character Creation Steps
- Roll characteristics: 4d6 discard lowest for STR, DEX, CON, POW, and CHA, and 3d6+6 discard lowest for INT and SIZ.
- Refer to the Powers Cost Table;
using 8 points, first choose from Human or Skinwalker,
and C. plexussubtracting the points for your choice. Note that your species choice may alter your characteristics (see Skinwalker powers, C. plexus powers); make those changes now. - If you want to choose Gifts, do that before further power selection.
- Choose from the other powers12 with your remaining points, noting that
- Only Humans can use Sorcery and Psionics
- Only Humans and Skinwalkers can use Mysticism
- Only C. plexii can use Pheremone Control
- Humans can use Psionics or Mysticism, but not both
- Calculate your attributes (Action Points, Damage Modifier, Experience Modifier, Healing Rate, Hit Points, Initiative Bonus, Luck Points, Movement Rate).
- Your Culture in North America is Civilized (note for Cultural skills selection).
- Select a Career and your Skills; alternately use the Skill Pyramid.
Character Powers Cost Table
Power | Supernatural Point Cost | Limitations/Notes |
Be a baseline human | 0 points | |
Be a Skinwalker | 4 points | See Skinwalker Powers |
Roll on Gifts Table | 2 points per roll | See Gift descriptions |
One extra Luck Point | 1 point | Once only. |
Hex | 1 point for a # of spells equal to base Hex skill/10 | Automatically gain Hex Skill; can take this twice |
Mysticism Talents3 | 2 points per Talent | Automatically gain Meditation and Mysticism Skills; can take this twice |
Psychic Discipline4 | 2 points per Discipline (each Discipline gives 1 Talent) | Automatically gain Psionics (Discipline) Skill |
Psychic Talent4 | 1 point per additional Talent in a Discipline | Must already have that Discipline; can take this twice |
Pheremone Control5 | 1 point per pheremone | Automatically gain the Pheremone Control Skill. |
Sources/Source Books
Core Rulebooks
Destined combat rules are used (movement rules are better/more clear).
Here's a very brief overview of the Mythras system for those familiar with other RPG systems. If you're not familiar with any RPG system, there's a lot of places to start; here's one.
Character Sheets
Here's a Google Sheet Character Sheet (make a copy of it in your Google drive for your use).
Here's a PDF character sheet and a form fillable PDF character sheet.
For Mysticism, Sorcery, and Hex Magic (AKA Folk Magic), refer to the Mythras core rulebook.
For Psionics, refer to After the Vampire Wars, Luther Arkwright, or Worlds United.
Human and Skinwalker only.
Human only.
C. plexus only.
Species and Powers
Species Capabilities
- Human, Skinwalker, and Cordyceps Plexus are available species.
- Every species has access to Gifts (but, see descriptions).
- Every species has access to Hex (Folk Magic is called Hex, Hocus, or Hoodoo depending on the region; the skill is called Hex).
- Only humans can use Psychic Powers and Sorcery.
- Humans and Skinwalkers can use Mysticism.
- Humans can use Psychic Powers or Mysticism, but not both.
- Only C. plexii can use Pheremone Control.
Species | Gifts | Hex | Mysticism | Psychic Powers | Sorcery | Pheremone Control |
Human | Y | Y | Y1 | Y1 | Y | N |
Skinwalker | Y | Y | Y | N | N | N |
C. plexus | Y | Y | N | N | N | Y |
Mysticism or Psychic Powers, not both.
In Parallel 34.21.12, only humans are psychics, and only humans have the ability to contact other-dimensional beings, a requirement for Sorcery. Humans also have access to Hex Magic and Mysticism.
The "Lycanthropes" of 34.21.12 are not influenced by the cycle of the moon, and the only currently known variant is Alligator. This form of lycanthropy is genetic or represents a sub-species of human; all are born into Skinwalker families.
Skinwalkers are known to exist, although outside of the Vattmarch they are mostly thought to be the result of a curse or dark Sorcery.
In the Vattmarch, Skinwalkers have been present since Scandinavian and local Creole culture blended. It is unknown whether the Vikings brought it with them, but since only Gator 'Walkers are known, it is suspected to originate in the New World. Skinwalkers are rare outside of the Vattmarch.
The Lycanthropy skill is called Skinwalk in 34.21.12; so, a Skinwalker Skinwalks (or just 'Walks) into and out of their animal form.
Skinwalker Powers
- Skinwalker characters get 4 extra characteristic points to distribute across STR, CON, DEX, and POW.
- Skinwalkers get the Skinwalk Skill, starting at CON + POW. This can be increased during character creation with both cultural and bonus points but cannot start higher than 50%. Skinwalk Intensity is Skinwalk/10.
- Skinwalkers have a Feral Form.
- Skinwalkers have Bloodlust.
- Skinwalkers get the Creature Power Night Sight
- Treat partial darkness as illuminated and dark-ness as partial darkness
- Skinwalkers get rapid healing:
- Minor Wounds: Hours
- Serious Wounds: Days
- Major Wounds: Weeks
- Skinwalkers can learn Hex and Mysticism.
- Skinwalkers cannot learn Sorcery or Psychic Powers.
Skinwalker Bloodlust
- If the 'Walker is attacked or threatened with lethal violence while in feral form, they must make a Hard Skinwalk roll to avoid attacking the threat.
- When encountering someone they possess a Hate Passion towards, if this person acts at all hostile or disrespectful, the 'Walker feels an overwhelming urge to attack. To resist this urge, 'Walkers can make a Skinwalk roll, opposed by their Passion against this individual.
Skinwalker Feral Form and the Skinwalk Skill
It costs 2 Power Points to invoke the Feral Form, and requires a successful Skinwalk roll. The transformation takes 1 turn (1 Action Point if in combat).
The Skinwalker Feral Form is not a total transformation - until Skinwalk Intensity reaches 9. At that point, it is possible to transform completely into the 'Walker's animal form. Once Skinwalk Intensity reaches 9 (81%+), the player should roll STR, CON, and DEX for their Full Feral Form from the table below, and note those characteristics for use when 'Walked into that form.
Claws and bite in the Partial Feral Form inflict appropriate damage:
SIZ | Claws | Bite |
1-10 | 1d3 | 1d4 |
11-20 | 1d4 | 1d6 |
21-30 | 1d6 | 1d8 |
31-40 | 1d8 | 1d10 |
41-50 | 1d10 | 1d12 |
The Partial Feral Form grants one step increase in Damage Modifier, +1 Armor Points in all locations, and +2 meters of movement.
Starting at Intensity 4, Skinwalkers can incorporate metals into their Feral Form bodies if they are in skin-to-material contact when they Skinwalk. This gives them the following benefits at each level (additive, in other words at Intensity 9 a 'Walker gets a total of +4 AP and +4 points of damage w/claws and bite, assuming enough metal is brought along on the 'Walk).:
Intensity | Benefit in Feral Form |
4 | +2 points of damage w/claws and bite |
6 | +2 AP hardened skin |
8 | +2 points of damage w/claws and bite |
9+ | +2 AP hardened skin |
Note that a nominal amount of metal must be used for each point of Intensity. For level 4, a large Bowie knife would generally be enough metal for the benefit. For level 6, two large crowbars or a sword would suffice... etc. Use your judgement and make a good case for the GM.
At Intensity 9, a Skinwalker is capable of a complete transformation - while Skinwalked to their animal form, they would be indistinguishable from a normal animal of that form (if only relying on normal vision).
Full Feral Form Alligator Stats
Stat | Value |
STR | 2d6 + 10 |
CON | 2d6 + 12 |
SIZ | 2d6 + 28 |
DEX | 2d6 + 9 |
Weapon | Damage |
Jaws | 1d10 + 2d6 |
Tail | 1d8 + 2d6 |
Cordyceps Plexus (C. plexus, C. plexii)
C. plexus is a species of sentient parasitic fungi. Humans are their preferred hosts, although there are rumors that any sizable mammal can support a C. plexus. The fungus becomes a symbiote with its host, merging consciousness and personality.
Most often, hosting a C. plexus is voluntary. The fungi have a belief in mutual benefit and do not force themselves on unwilling hosts. Somewhat like legends of vampires, there are many people who desire living well beyond their years, with a romanticized notion of what "living" means in that scenario. Cults and other organizations exist where people make themselves available to host a C. plexus symbiote.
C. plexii are long lived, slowing the aging of their hosts to a rough maximum of 250 years. When a C. plexus infects its first host, it takes on most of that person's personality (called Imprinting), making that person not quite immortal but much longer lived than most humans. When it comes to the ability to migrate to a new host and retain most of the symbiote's/host's personality, a form of immortality is suggested.
The situation with a mature C. plexus migrating to a new host is nuanced. Since the fungi's personality stays largely intact after Imprinting, infecting a new host means in some sense that the new host "dies". Anecdotally, this is rare. Stories tell that usually the donor body is someone in a coma or otherwise brain dead. The truth around this is not clear, but there are C. plexii known to be 800 years or older. They haven't been very open on the subject.
C. plexii were originally named C. ganglia, but a prominent C. plexus writer suggested that they were more properly called "plexus", that is, a network of ganglion nerve structures.
Their origin is unknown, but C. plexii appear in all recorded history. Older, more powerful C. plexii are known as "Cords"; lesser or younger C. plexii are called "Threads". Cord alliances are known to exist for protection and cooperation but it is not known whether there is an agenda beyond this.
C. plexus Powers
C. plexus characters start by rolling baseline human characteristics.
- C. plexii get 5 additional characteristic points to distribute as desired.
- C.plexii get tougher as they age. Every 20 years of age from the date of Imprinting they gain 1 Armor Point from increasingly tough fibrous flesh (age within a single host).
- C.plexii get stronger as they age. Every 30 years of age from the date of Imprinting they gain 1 point of Strength (age within a single host).
- C.plexii can spend 10 Power Points for an extra Action Point, twice per day.
- C. plexii can modify Skill difficulty grades; the effects depend on their age (total age, not just
age within a single host):
- Up to 50 years: 1 level for 5 Power Points
- 50 - 199 years: 2 levels for 7 Power Points
- 200+ years: 3 levels for 10 Power Points
- C. plexii can augment their Damage Modifier; the effects depend on their age (total age, not just
age within a single host):
- Up to 50 years: 1 level for 5 Power Points
- 50 - 199 years: 2 levels for 7 Power Points
- 200+ years: 3 levels for 10 Power Points
- C. plexii can learn Hex.
- C. plexii cannot learn Sorcery, Psychic Powers, or Mysticism. A human with any of these powers loses them as soon as the C. plexus Imprints.
Pheremone Control
C. plexii can generate and emit powerful pheremones that, when applied to humans' skin through touch, affect the recipients similarly to Disease and Poison (Mythras 3rd Printing, page 75). Potency is equal to the character's Pheremone Skill. Duration is equal to one tenth of the Pheremone Skill in minutes unless otherwise noted. The following effects are available through Pheremone Control.
Roll | Pheremone | Duration | Resistance | Effects |
1 | Agony | Willpower | See reference. | |
2 | Asphyxiation | Endurance | 1d4 rounds onset. Asthmatic (i.e., not total respiratory failure). See description. | |
3 | Blindness | 1d4 minutes | Endurance | Immediate. Victim must roll each minute or be blinded. |
4 | Confusion | Willpower | Victim cannot use any knowledge, communication or magic skill. | |
5 | Deafness | 1d4 minutes | Endurance | Immediate. Victim must roll each minute or be deaf. |
6 | Exhaustion | Endurance | Immediate. Victim gains an additional level of Fatigue. | |
7 | Mute | Endurance | Immediate. Victim is unable to speak. | |
8 | Hallucination | 1d4 minutes | Willpower | 1d4 rounds onset. See description. |
9 | Nausea | Willpower | Immediate. See description. | |
10 | Paralysis | 1d4 minutes | Endurance | Immediate. Whole body paralysis. See description. |
11 | Suggestion | 1d4 minutes | Willpower | 1d4 rounds onset. See description below. |
12 | Unconscious | Endurance | Immediate. See description. |
Suggestion Pheremone
The Suggestion Pheremone works a bit like truth serum; for the duration of effect, a victim must resist each question using Willpower. The victim will remember the discussion - it does not cloud memory or confuse the victim. If the victim succeeds in their Willpower roll, they may freely lie in answer to that question. For the duration, the victim will not attempt to flee or physically resist, but if left alone they may act normally.
Currently, other species (Vampires, Half-Fae, Shifters, others) are not part of Parallel 34.21.12.
This could change at any time.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Unique humans, Skinwalkers, and C. plexii are gifted with extranormal abilities, called Gifts. Gift definitions come from a subset of Luther Arkwright Traits and Worlds United Gifts.
At character creation, Supernatural Points may be spent to roll on the Gifts table.
If Mysticism or Psionics are rolled, go to the Powers Workshop and roll for Disciplines (for Psionics) and Talents.
Gift Table
Roll | Gift |
01-04 | Agile |
05-09 | Assimilation |
10-14 | Charming |
15-19 | Danger Sense |
19-22 | Deadshot |
23-25 | Eidetic Memory |
26-30 | Enhanced Balance |
31-34 | Enhanced Sight |
35-40 | Exceptional Luck |
41-43 | Forgettable |
44-47 | Inhuman Perfection |
48-50 | Insightful |
51-53 | Iron Mind |
54-56 | Linguistic Savant |
57-59 | Mathematical Savant |
60-65 | Mysticism |
66-68 | Natural Liar |
69-72 | Null-Psychic |
73-75 | Perceptive |
76-82 | Psychic |
83-85 | Quick |
86-90 | Regenerative |
91-95 | Resilient |
96-00 | Shadow |
The character has superb reflexes. The character adds one tenth of their Athletics skill to Initiative Bonus.
The character can read and absorb information at an astonishingly fast rate. They glean important points and inferences from reading text at the rate of 2 seconds per page (thus, a 300 page book can be understood in 10 minutes) . The character must obviously be able to read the text in the first place. This is not the same as Eidetic Memory; it's fast reading comprehension, not recall.
The character is highly charismatic. Any skill with CHA as a base characteristic is always one grade easier.
Danger Sense
The character has an uncanny intuition of personal danger and never suffers the negative game effects for being surprised.
The character is a natural marksman. Aiming for one round reduces the situational Difficulty by two grades instead of one.
Eidetic Memory
The character has an eidetic memory and can memorise an image, page of writing, scene, sound, etc. perfectly by spending 1d6 minutes studying it. The character can recall or recite the precise details and nature of the subject at will. Details do not fade with age or time.
Enhanced Balance
The character’s sense of balance is acute. Athletics and Acrobatics are always one grade easier. If forced to use Evade to avoid an attack, the character is never left prone.
Enhanced Sight
The character can see normally in near-total darkness and suffers no modifiers due to the absence of light. All Perception rolls involving vision are one grade easier.
Exceptional Luck
The character has 1 additional Luck Point each session.
The character’s face and voice are indistinctive and cannot be remembered by most witnesses. Strangers or casual acquaintances require a Herculean Willpower roll to remember the character or details about them.
Inhuman Perfection
Increase one characteristic by 1d6.
The character is a remarkable judge of character and agenda. All Insight rolls are one grade easier.
Iron Mind
Willpower rolls are one grade easier.
Linguistic Savant
The character is a preternatural linguist. They begin with 1d3+1 additional languages covered under their Linguistics skill. Communicating in an unfamiliar language is always one grade easier, and the character can learn any language they have been exposed to for more than a few hours by spending 1 Experience Roll.
Mathematical Savant
The character is adept at complex mental mathematics and deductions of probability. Any skill requiring the application of mathematics, including Commerce, Engineering, Gambling, and Science (any) are always at one grade easier. In addition, all uses of Science (Mathematics), including breaking codes, are always two grades easier. In addition, the character can accurately perform in one Round of intense concentration any mathematical calculation that an ordinary person would require many hours of work with pencil and paper.
Human and Skinwalker characters only. The character has a natural talent for Mysticism and automatically gains both the Meditation and the Mysticism skills without training. The character starts play with a number of Talents equal to one tenth of their Mysticism skill. Additional Supernatural Points spent on Mysticism provide 2 Mysticism Talents instead of 1.
Natural Liar
The character can lie with ease and conviction. All Deceit rolls are two grades easier than the norm. Truth drugs have no effect on the character, and both mechanical lie detectors and the Psionic Mind Probe Talent reveal that the character is telling the truth even when they are lying.
Human characters only. The character can never gain Psychic Powers, and their mind is immune to their influence. The character cannot be detected or influenced/harmed through any psychic means. The character can, however, still be injured through the physical manifestations of a psychic power (such as something hurled by Telekinesis). A character cannot be both Null-Psychic and Psychic. If a Null-Psychic character spends 2 Power Points and succeeds at a Standard Willpower roll, they can create an area around themselves where no Psychic Talents function. This area is equal in radius to one twentieth their Willpower skill in metres. Anyone inside this area cannot use or be affected by any Psychic Talent, although they could still be struck by e.g. a telekinetically thrown object, as long as the the object the telekinetic was throwing was outside this radius. This area persists for 10 minutes.
The character has enhanced powers of perception. All Perception rolls are one grade easier. Stimuli related to their enhanced perception are that much more vivid, apparent, intricate, distinct, and so forth.
Human characters only. The character starts with one Psychic Discipline and two Psychic Talents. A character cannot be both Psychic and Null-Psychic.
The character's movement rate is double the species norm. The character can disengage from melee combat without using an Action Point or requiring an opposed skill test.
The character’s Healing Rate is 2d2 points higher than normal. Not only does the character heal faster, but wounds do not leave any scar tissue. The character cannot regenerate amputated body parts but if a body part suffers a Major Wound and remains attached to the body, it will regenerate given enough healing time.
The character is incredibly resilient to the effects of wounds. Their Hit Points are calculated using STR+CON+SIZ.
The character is innately stealthy. All Stealth rolls are one grade easier, and the character can attempt to hide in plain sight if they are not currently being observed.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Choose a Career and then Culture, Career, and Bonus Skills using the steps below. Or, use the alternative Skill Pyramid method.
Vattmarchers can have any occupation reasonable for late 19th/early 20th century America. Many Vattmarchers find employment as wranglers - hippo wranglers. Use Beast Handler, Hunter, or Scout for hippo wrangler skills.
Any occupation reasonable for late 19th/early 20th century America.
C. Plexus
Any occupation reasonable for late 19th/early 20th century America. Many C. plexii find employment in the USNA's Department of Wartime Defense, whether as soldiers, technicians, or spies.
Characters start out with base Standard Skills, and from these three sources:
- Cultural Skills
- Career or Professional Skills
- Bonus Skills
Standard Skills
Calculate Standard Skills base (this is a starting point; some of these will be added to in the next steps):

Cultural Skills
Culture in Parallel 34.21.12 is generally Civilized (for the purposes of Skill selection).
Allocate 100 Skill Points across (each Skill that points are allocated to must receive at least 5% and no more than 15%):
- The listed Cultural Standard Skills
- 3 chosen from Cultural Professional Skills
- A single cultural Combat Style if desired (from table below or Combat Styles)
- Hex Magic, Meditation/Mysticism, Psionics, Sorcery, Skinwalk, or Pheremone Control Skills if relevant
- Customs and Native Tongue automatically get +40% each (this does not draw from the Cultural Skill Point pool)

Career Skills
Allocate 100 Skill Points across (Not all skills must be improved, but no one skill can receive more than 15%):
- Career Standard Skills
- 3 chosen from Career Professional Skills
- Hex Magic, Meditation/Mysticism, Psionics, Sorcery, Skinwalk, or Pheremone Control Skills if relevant

Bonus Skills
Allocate 150 Bonus Skill points across:
- One additional Professional Skill or Combat Style, chosen as a hobby
- Any Cultural or Career Skills that you've already allocated points to, giving each a maximum of 15%
- Hex Magic, Meditation/Mysticism, Psionics, Sorcery, Skinwalk, or Pheremone Control Skills if relevant
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
The Skill Pyramid
Instead of using Cultural, Career and Bonus Skill pools, the Skill Pyramid divides 350 points into five levels of pre-chosen Skill values:
# of Skills | Percentage |
1 | 50% |
2 | 40% |
3 | 30% |
4 | 20% |
5 | 10% |
It can be visualized as a pyramid:
50 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10
15 individual Skills are chosen, using the breakdown above. Alternately, here's another Skill pyramid:
# of Skills | Percentage |
2 | 40% |
4 | 30% |
5 | 20% |
5 | 10% |
40 40 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10
In both cases/using either pyramid:
· All points from the pyramid must be used
· Only one allocation per Skill
· Native Language and Customs are treated normally (+40%, other allocations can be made as with normal rules)
· No Skill can be made to be over 80%
· Six of the allocations must go to Professional Skills
· Career/Culture can be chosen normally; players may use those sets of Skills for allocation or choose freely
Combat Styles
General Combat Styles
Big Knife Fighter
"Big Knife" means a large dagger, something like a Bowie knife or a large seax. The fighting style is somewhat like a street brawler with knife skills.
- Dagger
- Unarmed
- Knife Fighter Prowess: Permits the user to treat both their Unarmed and dagger blocks and parries as ‘Medium’ sized.
- Throw Weapons: The dagger/knife used in the style can also be thrown at no penalty to skill, but the damage roll is halved.
Vattmarch Combat Styles
Viking Fighter
Vattmarch Viking Fighters often pair an axe and a large knife, or rarely a shield. Also rarely a sword. It should be noted that wearing swords and shields would draw unwanted attention in all but the most backwater settlements... perhaps not so much in the Vattmarch, but even there in larger towns or cities it's not something you'd expect to see.
- Axe
- Dagger
- Shield
- Long sword
- Long bow or short bow
- Shield Wall
- Intimidating Scream
Hippo Wrangler
- Axe or Dagger
- Pistol or Shotgun
- Whip or Net
- Hippo Rider: Ignore Ride skill cap when shooting while riding a moving hippo.
City Combat Styles
Backstreet Brawler
A street brawler with skills. Anything goes - bite, scratch, broken bottles, hidden guns.
- Dagger
- Club
- Unarmed
- Hideaway pistol
- Impromptu or Improvised Weapons: Treat any remotely club-shaped object as a club; most (reasonable) objects can be used at Unarmed Skill level attack for +1 damage over Unarmed
- Sucker Punch: On an Unarmed attack, you get Surprise if the opponent fails an Opposed Roll of their Perception against your attack roll
Pistol Duellist
A specialist with the pistol.
- Pistol
- Ranged Marksman: When using a pistol, shift a Hit Location roll to an adjoining body location.
Rapier Duellist
Frontier Combat Styles
Rifle Sharpshooter
- Rifle
- Pistol or Shotgun
- Mounted Combat: Ignore Ride skill cap when shooting while riding a moving horse or vehicle.
USNA Military Combat Styles
Squad-Trained Soldier
Special Operator
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
The World
Living in early 20th Century North America
Areas of North America in this parallel are still very much frontier lands. While it's rare (bordering on abnormal) for anyone to wear armor or carry shields, carrying firearms is considered normal in rural or frontier areas. Some towns and cities, depending on location and local culture, might be more or less friendly to openly wearing firearms. Throughout the Vattmarch, knives (big or small) and hand axes are considered normal everyday carry items. In the USNA, it being a rather militant culture, firearms and knife carry is considered normal.
North America in Parallel 34.21.12

First Nations of North America (FNNA)
The FNNA was originally a loose association of First Nations peoples across western North America. Early contact with what are today suspected to be aliens provided them the basics of technology and a massive increase in agricultural efficiency. By 550 CE various tribes in the west had joined in a confederation of peoples reaching from southern Mexico to Vancounver and from the Pacific to east of the Rockies: The First Nations of North America.
After the brief conflict with the expanding Vattmarch, FNNA determined to enforce their sovereignty and borders - they had been warned by their alien patrons to be vigilant or be wiped from existence.
The Vattmarch
In 1107 CE, King Sigurd 1 of Norway launched the Norwegian Crusade, the first time a European king personally led a crusade into the Holy Land. In response, several caliphates invaded Scandinavia, engaging in a savage genocidal rampage, a kind of counter Crusade. Over the next 20 years tens of thousands fled Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
The Scandinavian refugees sought safety in Vinland (Newfoundland), across the Atlantic Ocean. They continued south, eventually settling in the Southeastern part of North America. They mixed with immigrants from Spain, French Canadia, Africa, and the Caribbean. The resulting Creole people are a cultural blend of pagan/Norse, Spanish, French, and African traditions and religion. Thor, Jesus, and Baron Samedi all have their parts to play. They named their new homeland "Vattmarch", or "wet land" in their blended language.
By the mid 1400s, this culture had spread from modern day South Carolina to eastern Texas, including all of the swamplands of the Gulf coast. Agriculture and population growth pushed them west, and in 1440 they came into contact with FNNA settlements. The Vattmarchers employed their typical Viking tactics of violent plunder; however, the First Nations people were unexpectedly resilient. After a few years of skirmishing, they came to a reasonable peace and trading relationship.
European colonization attempts in North America largely stayed clear of the Vattmarch, although each country clearly had designs on it. The Vattmarchers made it clear that while temporary military control of smaller regions of the Vattmarch might be possible, such things were not well tolerated by the Voodo Vikings, and they always ended in violent defeat of the invaders. Survivors told horrific stories.
United States of North America (USNA)
British colonization during the 1600s resulted in the formation of 11 colonies, from North Carolina in the south to Maine in the north. In 1775, the colonies declared their independence from Britain, and with help from the Vattmarch1 to the south and France via Canadia to the north, by 1788 the British were widely recognized to have lost. The British do not acknowledge this defeat, and continue to attack the USNA both in North America and abroad.
In the wake of their successful break with Britain, USNA expanded west as far as the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and part of Texas. The FNNA had already established clear borders by this time, so the USNA had reached the conclusion of its "manifest destiny" by the time they reached Colorado.
Slavery was outlawed in the Vattmarch in 1478; the Vattmarch helped with the war against the British on the condition that the new USNA abolished slavery. The Americans couldn't win without the help, and under the new USNA slavery was abolished.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Nation-State Factions
United States of North America
The United States of North America (USNA) is ostensibly the single most powerful nation in the Americas, but in reality it controls things east of the Rockies, north of the Vattmarch, and south of Canadia.
The USNA is a fiercely patriotic, militant culture that tends to the puritan in rural areas but is more progressive and open minded in cities. The USNA has a standing military which includes land, sea, and air branches.
Department of Wartime Defense
The Department of Wartime Defense (DWD) oversees all USNA military operations and governance. The Special Operations (specops) branch is rumored to be run by a C. plexus. Many C. plexii serve in the DWD. It's known that the fungi are strong supporters of USNA, although why is the subject of rumor and conspiracy theory.
Military Branches
- Army: Standard land war fighting
- Navy: Ships and submersibles
- Air Corps: Airships and aircraft
- Special Operations: Dirty jobs
Office of Horology
The Office of Horology (OH) is USNA's primary technology research and development organization. OH projects tend to research and practice sorcery as much as anything else.
First Nations of North America
The First Nations of North America (FNNA) control North America from the Pacific Ocean to the Rockies, and from southern Mexico to just north of Vancouver. Great Falls and Denver are the recognized trade cities with the USNA, and Dallas and Houston are the main points of trade between FNNA and the Vattmarch. There are many rail lines into these cities.
The FNNA's borders are not known to necessarily be patrolled, but visitors without the proper paperwork are known to disappear. The FNNA's official Visitor Program manages who from outside the FNNA can enter and how long they can stay. Only a few tourist-oriented settlements are available for visitors in the FNNA.
The FNNA does not have a permanent army, but every adult citizen of the Nations spends 6 months every 3rd year serving in whatever capacity makes sense at the time.
The FNNA openly trades with the Vattmarch, the USNA, Canadia, Japan, and Korea. Relations are polite if not necessarily friendly with European countries.
The Vattmarch
The Vattmarch ("wet land" in the Dane/Spanish/African pidgin of the area) is a vast area of the southeast of North America populated by the Vattmarchers, a Creole people who come from a blend of Middle Ages-era Viking settlers, French Canadian settlers, and Spanish and African settlers from the Caribbean. Vattmarch culture seems somewhat savage from the outside, but the Vattmarch is a wealthy land due to large tobacco plantations and hippo ranching.
Vattmarcher culture is a blend of Northern European, Spanish, and African traditions and religion; Thor, Jesus, and Baron Samedi all have their parts to play.
The Vattmarch does not have a standing army. Every Vattmarcher is required to be a warrior when the Vattmarch is threatened.
In the mid 18th century, some enterprising traders introduced hippopotami to the swamps of the Vattmarch in the hopes of raising hippos as a source of meat. The hippo ranch trade thrives to this day, as does the wild hippopotamus population.
The Vattmarch openly trades with the USNA, the FNNA, Canadia, and various European governments. The Vattmarch does not have friendly relations with Britain.
British Government
Americans won the Revolutionary War, and everyone except Britain agrees. Britain continues with aggressions in North America, including occasional bombing runs over populated areas from airships. Occasionally they land an invasion force and occupy a city here and there. They've conquered France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark, giving them a big war chest.
Other Factions
Vattmarch Skinwalkers
Cordyceps plexus (C. plexus)
Hippo Ranchers
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Fraternal Organizations/Secret Societies
Mysticism, Hex Magic, Psychic Powers, and more rarely, Sorcery, are taught by various fraternal (i.e., occult or secret) organizations in Parallel 34.21.12.
These organizations tend to be extremely secretive, and hoard their extranormal knowledge for loyal and supportive members.
Organization Structure
Secret societies tend to be organized in one of three structures:
- Cell
- Military-style authority pyramid
- Masonic-style Lodge
Cell Organization
Authority Pyramid Organization
Masonic Lodge Organization
Occult, Theological, or Political/Financial Foundations
Secret societies can often be categorized as occult/magical, theological, or political/financial in nature (organized crime falls under the financial categorization, and military or national interests fall under political).
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Theosophical Society
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor
The Society for Psychical Research
Ordo Templi Orientalis
Knights Templar
Rosicrucian Organizations
Bavarian Illuminati
Presented is a subset of extant organizations or societies, in their modern context and purpose; this may be at odds with their historical context and/or purpose.
Structure | Foundation/Purpose | Regions/Chapters |
Masonic Lodge | Political | Headquartered in Washington, DC with chapters in all major USNA cities. |
Masonry, intertwined with the history of the USNA, is a major organizational structure for C. plexii. In most lodges it's also referred to as the Weave, which is the C. plexus term for the global collection of C. plexii.
Perhaps originating in trade/craft guilds, Masonry is not so much a philosophical body of thought but more a structure of organization and power.
Passions and Oaths
Skills and Powers
Theosophical Society
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor
Structure | Foundation/Purpose | Regions/Chapters |
Masonic Lodge | Occult |
A "practical occult order", the HBL was founded to investigate, learn, and teach magic.
Passions and Oaths
Skills and Powers
Hex Magic
The Society for Psychical Research
Ordo Templi Orientalis
Knights Templar
Structure | Foundation/Purpose | Regions/Chapters |
Cell | Theological | Headquartered in Rome; chapter houses found throughout Europe and in some major USNA cities. |
Created during the Crusades to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, the Templars are now fearsome assassins, almost always with military backgrounds and training. The Templars mostly carry out jobs for banking and political interests, although some Templar cells are effectively murder-for-hire outfits that will work for anyone.
Passions and Oaths
Skills and Powers
Rosicrucian Organizations
Bavarian Illuminati
Structure | Foundation/Purpose | Regions/Chapters |
Masonic Lodge | Occult | Headquarters in London |
Ostensibly founded as an anti-theological alternative to Masonry, the Illuminati are actually dedicated to the extermination of C. plexii.
The Illuminati were supposedly banned and dissolved late in the 18th century, but they simply went further underground and doubled down on their campaign against C. plexii.
Given the deep integration of C. plexii with the USNA and Freemasonry, the Illuminati are based in Britain, and exert significant influence on the British government. They use Britain as their cover to carry out their mission.
Passions and Oaths
Skills and Powers
Firearms and Other Weapons
Standard for early 20th century America.
The standard for non-magical medical practice is closer to mid 19th century - magical healing tends to make up for progress in medical knowledge and technologies.
Engines and Travel
Mostly standard for early 20th century America. Exceptions include the widespread use of clockwork engines and popularity of travel by airship.
Rumored Technologies
First Nations Rumored Technology
There are various wild stories about the FNNA's mastery of higher technologies, including but not limited to:
- Medical technology and machines
- Electricity-powered guns and melee weapons
- Surveillance and communications
There's no concrete evidence for any of this, and the FNNA stays isolated and protective, which only serves to fuel rumors.
British Empire Rumored Technology
The Brits are rumored to have sorcerous techniques that are rather different than what's typically used in North America, Europe, Asia, etc. No real examples exist, but stories include things like clockwork structures powered by demons.
United States of North America Rumored Technology
The USNA is said to benefit from alchemical and forging techniques developed by C. plexii across centures. As with other rumored technologies, there's no known concrete proof.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Weapon | Damage | Range | Rate of Fire | Ammo | Load Turns |
Derringer/Hideaway Pistol | 1d4 | 2/5/10 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Six Shooter | 1d6 | 5/15/30 | 1 | 5-6 | 3 |
Rifle | 1d10 | 10/30/60 | 1 | 5-9 | 3 |
Shotgun | 2d6+2 | 5/15/25 | 1 | 2-6 | 3 |
Sawed-off Shotgun | 1d10+2 | 2/5/10 | 1-2 | 1-2 | 3 |
See Mythras core rulebook for melee weapons.
Giant Python
CRB page 266.
STR: 2d6+27 (34)
CON: 2d6+6 (13)
SIZ: 2d6+30 (37)
DEX: 1d6+3 (7)
INS: 2d6+4 (11)
POW: 2d6 (7)
AP 2/Mov 6/Initiative +9
Athletics 41%, Brawn 81%, Endurance 66%, Evade 24%,
Perception 38%, Stealth 28%, Swim 47%, Willpower 54%
Thick hide armor.
Roll | Location | AP/HP |
1 – 3 | Right Hind Leg | 5/12 |
4 – 6 | Left Hind Leg | 5/12 |
7– 9 | Hindquarters | 5/13 |
10 – 12 | Forequarters | 5/14 |
13 – 15 | Right Front Leg | 5/11 |
16 – 18 | Left Front Leg | 5/11 |
19 – 20 | Head | 5/12 |
Combat Style: Water Cow of Death 60%
Weapon | Damage | AP/HP | Reach |
Bite | 1d8 + 2d8 | Head | Short |
Trample | 4d8 | Leg | Touch |
Magic and Religion
Hex Magic
Folk Magic is called Hex, Hocus, or Hoodoo (or various other names, depending on region).
The Great Spirits
Theism and Great Spirits
Great Spirits of the Vattmarch
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
The Nature of Sorcery
In Parallel 34.21.12, bending the rules of the cosmos is achieved with the assistance of other-dimensional beings. Commonly referred to as "Demons", their true nature is poorly understood.
Using demons to invoke Sorcery requires the following conditions to be met:
- The Sorcerer is trained or experienced with the Sorcery skill.
- The Sorcerer has a Blood Stone that is attuned to that demon and that is charged with sufficient Power Points to cast the spell.
- The Sorcerer has acquired the spell.
In Parallel 34.21.12, Sorcery uses a single skill, simply called the Sorcery Skill. Intensity is 1/10 of the Sorcery Skill.
Instead of relying on a separate skill, Shaping is based on the number of Power Points drawn from a Blood Stone used to cast the spell. See Blood Stones and Casting Spells.
Blood Stones
Demons are generally happy to invoke their power, in return for a payment in the form of life force1. Life force is channeled to demons through Blood Stones, which are magical artifacts that act as Power Point storage (similar to Mythras Theism's Devotional Pools). Blood Stones must be attuned to a specific demon; this is done in a ritual that all Sorcerers are taught as part of their training in the Sorcery Skill.
Despite the name, Blood Stones may be made of either stone or metal, and need not have any particular shape or size2. The only requirement is that a glygh representing the demon's true name be carved, inscribed, etched, etc. into the Blood Stone.
Attuning a Blood Stone
At the time of attuning, 3 Power Points must be drained into the Blood Stone. Note that the Power Points used in attuning need not come from a single creature, but could be drained from multiple creatures. These initial Power Points are not available for casting spells. See below for how Power Points are stored into a Blood Stone.
A Blood Stone may store a maximum number of Power Points equal to the Sorcerer's Intensity, or one tenth of the Sorcerer's Sorcery Skill, at the time of attuning. This should be noted as a characteristic of each individual Blood Stone.
Note that attuning a Blood Stone on its own is not enough to learn a spell from that demon; see Acquiring Spells below.
Storing Power Points into a Blood Stone
Life force is stored in a Blood Stone by spilling the blood of live creatures onto it; however, that draining of blood must result in at least some level of Fatigue from the creature as specified on the table below. This is the life force that demons require for their services.
Demons prefer the life force of sentient beings; non-sentient blood will be accepted, but it takes much more of that kind of blood to charge a Blood Stone. Non-sentient beings' blood supplies only one twentieth that of sentient beings' blood. Demons will generally not accept blood from "lower" beings such as insects or other very small animals. A Blood Stone will simply not successfully retain life force from such beings.
The blood used to store life force into a Blood Stone could be the Sorcerer's own, or the blood of volunteers or victims.
Regardless of how much blood or how many Fatigue Levels are drained, a Blood Stone can store a maximum number of Power Points corresponding to the Sorcerer's Intensity when the Blood Stone was created.
Fatigue Level | Power Points, Sentient |
Tired | 1 |
Exhausted | 2 |
Debilitated | 3 |
Semi-Conscious | 4 |
Dead | 5 |
Durability of Blood Stones
Other than their magical nature, Blood Stones are simply stone or metal. They're inherently as durable as stone or metal, but they do not have any special resistance against damage or intentional destruction.
Fumbling Blood Stone Attuning
A fumble while attuning a Blood Stone can have strange and frightening side effects. See examples below.
Blood Stone Attuning Fumble Examples
Roll | Fumble Effect |
01-05 | The Blood Stone explodes, causing 1d4+2 points of damage to the Sorcerer. |
06-10 | The Blood Stone fuses with part of the Sorcerer's body touching it, likely their hand or hands. |
11-15 | The Blood Stone is successfully attuned, but any other Blood Stone within 30 feet loses 1d4 Power Points of capacity. |
16-20 | The Blood Stone is successfully attuned, but 1d2 points of CON is permanently drained from the Sorcerer. |
21-25 | The Blood Stone vanishes and the demon obtains the ability to reach across the dimensions and compel a service from the Sorcerer, 1d4 times. |
26-30 | ... |
Acquiring Spells
WIP: Explain/write this out.
- Know name of relevant demon
- Attune Blood Stone or have an attuned Blood Stone for that demon
- Spend 2 Experience Rolls
Casting Spells
Casting a spell requires uttering the demon's true name and using an attuned Blood Stone that has enough Power Points for the spell. Magnitude, duration, targets, etc. are adjusted as desired using Shaping points equal to the number of Power Points the Sorcerer uses from the Blood Stone. Otherwise, casting takes place using the Mythras Sorcery rules.
Note that a Blood Stone may be at zero Power Points, but it can't go below zero. If there's not enough Power Points for a spell, it simply doesn't work (the demon refuses to invoke the spell).
Fumbling Spell Casting
A fumble while casting a spell can have strange and frightening side effects. See examples below.
Casting Fumble Examples
Roll | Fumble Effect |
01-05 | The Blood Stone crumbles; the Sorcerer can never again speak this demon's name - they are somehow unable to form the necessary syllables. |
06-10 | A temporary gateway or portal between this world and the demon's realm will be held open. The demon can freely cross the portal for some unknown amount of time. |
11-15 | The spell, whatever its original intention, is immediately directed towards the Sorcerer. |
16-20 | The demon permanently absorbs 1d2 points of a random Characteristic from the Sorcerer. |
21-25 | The Sorcerer is drained of all Power Points, falling unconscious. The Sorcerer may recover. |
26-30 | The spell, whatever its original intention, is immediately directed towards a random person nearby. |
31-35 | The demon possesses the sorcerer for 1d6 minutes. |
36-40 | ... |
Restricting Sorcery
It may be desirable to put some limits on Sorcery as written. Here are some ideas:
- Cap the total number of Blood Stones a Sorcerer can have attuned at any one time to their current Sorcery Skill Intensity
- Cap the total amount of stored Power Points across all of a Sorcerer's attuned Blood Stones, perhaps to the Sorcerer's maximum Power Points
- Scale up the fumble effects based on the number of a Sorcerer's attuned Blood Stones or their total stored Power Points
- Apply increasing Difficulty Grades based on the number of a Sorcerer's attuned Blood Stones or their total stored Power Points
Other-Dimensional Beings - Demons of Parallel 34.21.12
Demons are called demons due to a lack of better terminology. Information about them is carefully hoarded and hidden. Rumors and anecdotes abound, about their nature and agendas.
Around the world, secretive but not entirely hidden, there are Colleges of Sorcery that keep their own stable of known demon true names. Membership is exclusive, although if one is persistent it's usually possible to be admitted to a College of Sorcery and learn one or two names (and thus spells).
Some nation-states and countries invest much time and effort into studying and using Sorcery; the USNA in particular relies on it for a fair amount of their national security and intelligence activities.
Also because if a Sorcerer fumbles their casting, there is an opportunity for the demon to enter the world through a portal that the Sorcerer has accidentally created. Or, other terrible things could happen. Results may be catastrophic.
Blood Stones must be made of stone or metal. They could thus be worked into anything such as a ring, a medallion, a sword, a statue, or even the foundation of a building.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Demons and Spells
Dimensional Facets
The Cosmos
The Elemental Force
The Emotional Force
Entropy and Chaos
Order and Law
The Life Force
The Death Force
Demon Workshop
Dimensional Facet Table
Demon Names Table
Spells by Dimensional Facet Table
New Spells
Dimensional Facets
Demons, Parallel 34.21.12's other-dimensional beings, have both a fundamental nature (their Dimensional Facet) and a particular affinity within that nature (their Dominion). Dimensional Facets correspond to forces of the multiverse, while Dominions are narrower focus or specialty.
The Cosmos
The Cosmos Dimensional Facet embodies the higher planes of existence and consciousness.
- Mirrors
- Music
- Philosophy and Argument
- Prophecy
- Psionics and Mind
- Spoken Language
- Written Language
The Elemental Force
The Elemental Force Dimensional Facet reflects basic materials, forces, shapes, and ideas.
- Clouds and Mist
- Earth and Dust
- Electricity
- Energy
- Fire
- Gems and Jewels
- Geomancy
- Magnetism
- Metal
- Stone and Rock
- Water
- Weapons, Armor, and Shields
- Wind and Hurricanes
The Emotional Force
The Emotional Force Dimensional Facet relates to the wonder and terror of consciousness governed without reason.
- Agony and Torment
- Desolation
- Fear
- Fury and Anger
- Infliction of Torment
- Love and Lust
- Misery and Despair
- Suffering and Anguish
- Temptation and Allurement
- Torture
Entropy and Chaos
The Dimensional Facet of Entropy and Chaos underlies never-ending change.
- Chaos
- Corruption and Decay
- Destruction
- Disease
- Mutation
- Shattering
- Venom
Order and Law
Order and Law is the Dimensional Facet represented by taming the wild forces of the multiverse.
- Engineering
- Forging and Making
- Mathematical Knowledge
- Memory and Thought
- Technology
- Weaving and Sewing
The Life Force
The Life Force Dimensional Facet embodies all things living.
- Beasts and Creatures
- Cities
- Food and Wine
- Healing
- Insects
- Plants
- Protection
- Sleep and Fatigue
- Sound
- Wood
The Death Force
The Death Force is the unending strife caused by all living things striving against each other.
- Battle
- Death
- Necromancy
- The Undead
- The Void
- War
Magic is the Dimensional Facet of the trickster.
- Conjuring
- Darkness
- Dreams
- Hexes and Curses
- Illusion
- Invisibility
- Magical Artifact Creation
- Nightmares
- Shadows
- Spellcasting
- Spirit or Soul Eating
The Dimensional Facet of Motion is a fundamental truth, a relative of Entropy and a counter to Stasis.
- The Sun and Planets
- The Senses
- Time
- Transmutation and Shaping
- Travel and Speed
Stasis is the Dimensional Force of stagnation.
- Confusion
- Deception
- Defeat
- Domination
- Enslavement and Control
- Entrapment and Captivity
- Lies
- Madness
Demon Workshop
Dimensional Facet
Roll 1d10 | Dimensional Facet |
1 | The Cosmos |
2 | The Elemental Force |
3 | The Emotional Force |
4 | Entropy and Chaos |
5 | Order and Law |
6 | The Life Force |
7 | The Death Force |
8 | Magic |
9 | Motion |
10 | Stasis |
Number of Spells Demon Can Invoke
Roll 1d6 | # of Spells |
1 - 2 | 1 |
3 - 4 | 2 |
5 | 1d3 |
6 | 1d4 |
Demon Names!
Roll | Demon Name |
1 | Azgoth |
2 | Malachor |
3 | Vortixus |
4 | Zethrak |
5 | Morgulon |
6 | Mordrax |
7 | Belzevra |
8 | Drakonak |
9 | Xalathor |
10 | Zephramir |
11 | Morvagon |
12 | Thalazan |
13 | Zeraphas |
14 | Velsharoth |
15 | Nekresh |
16 | Zorvathor |
17 | Xyndra |
18 | Gorgonar |
19 | Khael'zur |
20 | Nephralith |
21 | Baelthor |
22 | Vaxurian |
23 | Zarvok |
24 | Agrathul |
25 | Ytharion |
26 | Sylthorax |
27 | Vylkara |
28 | Xylothar |
29 | Lilithra |
30 | Zephira |
31 | Elyndraeth |
32 | Malgrosk |
33 | Valtharius |
34 | Zytharion |
35 | Zhalgron |
36 | Vyndrak |
37 | Xylnathor |
38 | Azariel |
39 | Valthorax |
40 | Gyltharion |
41 | Xandriloth |
42 | Zorvagor |
43 | Morgulith |
44 | Vyrakul |
45 | Iridessa |
46 | Quorandor |
47 | Zalithor |
48 | Malzorath |
49 | Zyrakar |
50 | Xyldara |
51 | Seraphax |
52 | Vylthira |
53 | Zalthoros |
54 | Baelgur |
55 | Drakmorath |
56 | Xyndraxis |
57 | Vyrelith |
58 | Zalgonar |
59 | Zephiranon |
60 | Veltharion |
61 | Xylzara |
62 | Azrakul |
63 | Morvaxor |
64 | Nekthulon |
65 | Zorvagoroth |
66 | Ythralith |
67 | Zyraeth |
68 | Vyrakaroth |
69 | Xyndrakar |
70 | Zerulon |
71 | Sylthara |
72 | Belzorak |
73 | Vorthulion |
74 | Zephrosk |
75 | Zalrakor |
76 | Malathira |
77 | Nephroxus |
78 | Vylthoros |
79 | Zephyrak |
80 | Draegthul |
81 | Zephirax |
82 | Azmalith |
83 | Vyrakoth |
84 | Zaldraxis |
85 | Baelzorath |
86 | Nekthoros |
87 | Velzara |
88 | Zalraxul |
89 | Xylnarion |
90 | Thalorien |
91 | Morgulithor |
92 | Zyrakara |
93 | Xyldarion |
94 | Zephirastra |
95 | Valthrakar |
96 | Morty |
97 | Zalorak |
98 | Belzoraxus |
99 | Xyndralith |
100 | Vyrakoroth |
Spells by Dimensional Facet
Dimensional Facet | Spells |
The Cosmos | |
The Elemental Force | |
The Emotional Force | |
Entropy and Chaos | |
Order and Law | |
The Life Force | |
The Death Force | |
Magic | |
Motion | |
Stasis |
Abjure (Substance/Process) Animate (Substance) Attract (Threat) Banish Bypass Armour Castback Damage Enhancement Damage Resistance Diminish (Characteristic) Dominate (Creatures) Draw (Creatures) Enchant (Object) Enhance (Characteristic) Enlarge Enslave (Creatures) Evoke Fly Haste Hinder Holdfast Imprison Intuition Mark Hide Life Mystic (Sense) Neutralise Magic Palsy Perceive (Sense) Resist (Endurance) Phantom (Sense) Portal Project (Sense) Protective Ward Regenerate Repulse (Creatures) Revivify Sculpt (Substance) Sense (Object, State or Substance) Shapechange (to Creature) Shrink Smother Spell Resistance Spirit Resistance Store Manna Summon Switch Body Tap (Characteristic) Telepathy Teleport Trap Soul Transfer Wound Transmogrify (to Substance) Undeath Wrack (Substance or Harm)
New Spells
Bestow/Inflict Chaos Feature
This spell requires 8 Power Points. It can only be cast once, then the Blood Stone shatters and another must be attuned. Unwilling target resists with Willpower.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Theism and Great Spirits
The Great Spirits
The Vattmarchers don't exactly worship the Great Spirits, but they kind of keep an eye out - they give offerings, use spirit-acknowledging sayings, etc. They're superstitious.
The Great Spirits are a fusion of Vodou loa and Norse gods. And sometimes there's a Catholic saint thrown into the mix, for fun.
There's not a perfect correspondence between the traditions - a single Norse deity may reflect aspects of multiple loa, and the other way around.
Papa Legba/Odin
Papa Legba is considered the guardian of the crossroads and is often invoked first in Vodou ceremonies. He is the intermediary between the human world and the spirit world, facilitating communication with other loa.
Papa Legba is depicted as an elderly man or as a trickster figure. He is associated with keys, walking sticks, and dogs. Offerings to Papa Legba typically include candies, cigars, and rum.
Erzulie Freda/Freya
Erzulie Freda is the loa of love, beauty, and luxury. She is associated with romance, femininity, and compassion. Erzulie Freda is known for her deep emotions and is often invoked in matters of the heart.
Erzulie Freda is represented as a beautiful and elegant woman. She is associated with the colors pink and blue, and offerings to her may include jewelry, perfume, and flowers.
Baron Samedi/Hel
Baron Samedi is the loa of death and the afterlife. Despite his association with death, he is also a trickster figure known for his irreverent and humorous demeanor. Baron Samedi is believed to guide the souls of the deceased.
Baron Samedi is often depicted with a top hat, sunglasses, and a cigar. Offerings to him may include black rum, cigars, and spicy foods.
Ogoun is the loa of war, iron, and labor. He is associated with strength, courage, and protection. Ogoun is often invoked for matters related to conflict, work, and justice.
Ogoun is depicted as a powerful warrior, sometimes with a machete or sword. His colors are red and blue. Offerings to Ogoun may include rum, cigars, and spicy foods.
Ogoun Badagris/Tyr
Ogoun Badagris is a powerful and formidable loa in Vodou, representing the warrior or protector aspect of Ogoun.
Ogoun Badagris is sometimes depicted as a blacksmith figure associated with war, justice, iron, and mountains. Offerings may include red and blue candles, spicy food, rum, and items associated with iron and metalworking or blacksmithing.
Damballa Wedo/Baldr
Damballa Wedo is the loa of serpents, wisdom, and cosmic balance. He is associated with creation and is often considered a primordial deity. Damballa is sometimes syncretized with Saint Patrick in Haitian Vodou.
Damballa is represented as a serpent or as a serpent with the image of a white dove. His colors are white and light blue. Offerings to Damballa may include eggs, white rum, and milk.
Oshun, also known as La Sirene, is a loa associated with love, fertility, rivers, and beauty. She is often revered for her nurturing and compassionate nature.
Oshun is represented as a beautiful woman adorned with gold and carrying a mirror and fan. Offerings to Oshun may include honey, sweet fruits, and jewelry.
Ghede is a collective of loa associated with death and the ancestral spirits. They are known for their irreverent and humorous behavior, often celebrated during the Day of the Dead ceremonies in Vodou.
Ghede loa are often depicted wearing sunglasses, black and purple attire. Offerings may include spicy foods, black rum, and cigarettes.
Agwe is the loa of the sea, oceans, and navigation. He is associated with protection during sea voyages and is considered a powerful and mysterious deity.
Agwe is often depicted as a naval officer adorned with naval insignia. Offerings to Agwe may include sea shells, rum, and blue or white candles.
Simbi is a loa associated with rain, magic, and water spirits. Different Simbi loa may have specific attributes, and they are often invoked for their knowledge and guidance.
Simbi is sometimes represented as a serpent or as a figure with snake-like qualities. Offerings may include rum, tobacco, and items associated with water.
Azaka Mede/Freyr
Azaka Mede is the loa of agriculture, harvest, and fertility of the earth. He is often invoked for a bountiful harvest and to ensure the well-being of crops.
Azaka Mede is depicted as a farmer carrying a hoe or other agricultural tools. Offerings may include agricultural products, grains, and rum.
Ayizan is the loa of the marketplace, commerce, and the patron of herbalists. She is associated with prosperity and is often invoked for success in business.
Ayizan is depicted as a market woman with a headdress and a palm frond. Offerings may include market goods, herbs, and candles.
Gran Bwa
Gran Bwa is the loa of the forests and is associated with healing, herbalism, and protection of the environment. He is often invoked for guidance in matters of health and well-being.
Gran Bwa is depicted as a mysterious figure in the forest. Offerings may include herbs, fruits, and rum.
Aida Wedo/Frigg
Aida Wedo is the loa of rainbows, fertility, and good fortune. She is often associated with renewal and new beginnings.
Aida Wedo is represented as a rainbow serpent or as a beautiful woman with a rainbow. Offerings may include white and pastel-colored items, as well as sweet foods.
Marinette is a family of loa associated with sorcery, transformation, and the protection of women. She is often depicted as a fierce and powerful figure.
Marinette is associated with the colors black and red. Offerings may include black candles, spicy foods, and symbolic items related to magic.
Legba Petro/Bragi
Legba Petro is a more aggressive and forceful aspect of Papa Legba. He is often invoked for protection against enemies and for overcoming obstacles.
Legba Petro is associated with the colors red and black. Offerings may include spicy foods, rum, and items associated with protection.
Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.
The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.
Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.
Old Timey Names
Powers Workshop
Old Timey Names
Roll | Male First Name | Female First Name | Last Name |
1 | Carroll | Deirdre | Zachary |
2 | Clifton | Imogene | Collier |
3 | Homer | Portia | Montague |
4 | Sherman | Ingrid | Cumberland |
5 | Milton | Katherine | Prescott |
6 | Lemuel | Rosaline | Kilpatrick |
7 | Eustace | Winifred | Fairchild |
8 | Bartholomeus | Seraphina | Northrop |
9 | Winfred | Nora | Abercrombie |
10 | Melvin | Isolde | Abernathy |
11 | Simeon | Louisa | Faraday |
12 | Ephraim | Frederica | Upton |
13 | Sanford | Nadia | Iverleigh |
14 | Jedediah | Delphine | McIntyre |
15 | Lyle | Henriette | Stanfield |
16 | Walter | Mildred | Goodwin |
17 | Thelonious | Wilma | Danvers |
18 | Archibald | Florence | Jennings |
19 | Horace | Bernadette | Overton |
20 | Tobias | Yvette | Pendlebury |
21 | Zebediah | Zelma | Underhill |
22 | Percy | Xanthe | Jefferson |
23 | Vernon | Antonia | Vanderbilt |
24 | Marion | Eliza | Davenport |
25 | Millard | Sabrina | Yorkton |
26 | Clarence | Lucille | Havisham |
27 | Virginius | Vivian | Zephyr |
28 | Reginald | Camilla | Yardley |
29 | Rufus | Adeline | Kincaid |
30 | Octavius | Edith | Larkin |
31 | Lloyd | Olive | Hammersmith |
32 | Grover | Viola | Redmond |
33 | Lester | Iris | Grantham |
34 | Elisha | Beatrice | Fitzpatrick |
35 | Virgil | Jocelyn | Loomis |
36 | Norbert | Giselle | Quimby |
37 | Alvin | Isadora | Ingram |
38 | Dudley | Constance | Ellery |
39 | Othello | Rosalind | Norwood |
40 | Emmett | Yvonne | Rutledge |
41 | Asa | Lillian | Jeffries |
42 | Floyd | Thelma | Hargrave |
43 | Herman | Dorothea | Pendragon |
44 | Roscoe | Theodora | Somerville |
45 | Eugene | Felicity | Vandenberg |
46 | Solomon | Dorothy | Lancaster |
47 | Ambrosius | Alberta | Bellingham |
48 | Remington | Juliet | Drummond |
49 | Ignatius | Faye | Nottingham |
50 | Earl | Esther | Blackburn |
51 | Montague | Xandra | Langley |
52 | Rutherford | Helena | Townsend |
53 | Elmer | Sybil | Rutherford |
54 | Wiley | Wilhelmina | Ellsworth |
55 | Ira | Beatrix | Bennett |
56 | Rolland | Eleanora | Gladstone |
57 | Archibaldus | Agnes | Macaulay |
58 | Lafayette | Nellie | Moulton |
59 | Ambrose | Bessie | Waterford |
60 | Humphrey | Gwendolyn | Kensington |
61 | Silas | Ursuline | Barkley |
62 | Josiah | Zelda | Yarbrough |
63 | Ezekias | Lavender | Waverley |
64 | Clayton | Celeste | Kingsley |
65 | Hubert | Fiona | Quigley |
66 | Ezekiel | Josephine | Quillen |
67 | Truman | Priscilla | Larkspur |
68 | Sylvanus | Valeria | Winslow |
69 | Hezekiah | Ursula | Fairfield |
70 | Archimedes | Octavia | Blakely |
71 | Harvey | Rosemary | Pemberton |
72 | Leopold | Opal | Abernathy |
73 | Ephram | Quintessa | Wainwright |
74 | Absalom | Zara | Grenville |
75 | Ulysses | Verity | Aldridge |
76 | Sylvester | Genevieve | Radcliffe |
77 | Casimir | Nadine | Radford |
78 | Algernon | Selma | Baldwin |
79 | Percival | Georgiana | Jardine |
80 | Quincey | Hattie | Quillian |
81 | Otis | Tabitha | Ormsby |
82 | Quigley | Penelope | Ashcroft |
83 | Morris | Gertrude | Channing |
84 | Wilbur | Josephina | Montgomery |
85 | Bartholomew | Mabel | Hemsworth |
86 | Amos | Odessa | Harrington |
87 | Chester | Harriet | Dennison |
88 | Irving | Belinda | Gallagher |
89 | Gilbert | Henrietta | Thornton |
90 | Elbert | Winona | Gainsborough |
91 | Obadiah | Abigail | Sinclair |
92 | Willis | Matilda | Carmichael |
93 | Zebulon | Tallulah | Chambers |
94 | Cornelius | Ramona | Donovan |
95 | Carlton | Clara | Pendleton |
96 | Eliphalet | Pearl | Underwood |
97 | Leroy | Evangeline | Thackeray |
98 | Thaddeus | Marcella | Tillinghast |
99 | Gideon | Clementine | Ellington |
100 | Enos | Della | Vossenberg |
Powers Workshop
Psychic Powers
Psychic Disciplines
By Discipline
All Talents
Hex Magic
Abbreviation | Reference |
MCR | Mythras Core Rulebook |
AtVW | After the Vampire Wars |
LA | Luther Arkwright |
WU | Worlds United |
Roll | Talent Type |
1 | Skill Augment |
2 | Attribute Enhancement (roll) |
3 | Trait (roll) |
Skill Augment | Reference |
Augment (Specific Skill) | MCR 157 |
Attribute Enhancement | Reference | |
1 | Enhance Action Points | MCR 159 |
2 | Enhance Damager Modifier | MCR 159 |
3 | Enhance Fatigue | MCR 159 |
4 | Enhance Healing Rate | MCR 159, AtVW 78 |
5 | Enhance Hit Points | MCR 160 |
6 | Enhance Initiative | MCR 160 |
7 | Enhance Movement | MCR 160 |
Trait | Reference | |
1 | Adhesion | MCR 157 |
2 | Arrowcut | MCR 157 |
3 | Astral Projection | MCR 157, AtVW 78 |
4 | Aura (X) | MCR 157 |
5 | Awareness | MCR 158 |
6 | Dark Sight | MCR 158 |
7 | Denial (X) | MCR 158 |
8 | Earth Sense | MCR 158 |
9 | Echolocation | MCR 158 |
10 | Featherlight | MCR 158 |
11 | Formidable Natural Weapons | MCR 158 |
12 | Heart Slow | MCR 158 |
13 | Immunity (X) | MCR 158, AtVW 78 |
14 | Indomitable | MCR 158, AtVW 78 |
15 | Life Sense | MCR 158 |
16 | Magic Sense | MCR 158 |
17 | Mind Blank | LA 69, AtVW 78, WU 63 |
18 | Night Sight | MCR 158 |
19 | Pain Control | MCR 158 |
20 | Resilience | LA 69, WU 63 |
21 | Spirit Combat | AtVW 78 |
22 | Spirit Sense | MCR 158 |
23 | Squeeze MCR | 159 |
24 | Time Efficacy | LA 69 |
25 | Vitality | LA 70 |
Psychic Powers
Discipline | Talents | Reference | |
1 | Biokinesis | Bioelectric Shock, Body Fortress, Eidetic Memory, Inflict Pain, Intangibility, Regenerate, Synaptic Puppetry, Sap Vigour | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
2 | Clairvoyance | Clairvoyance, Mental Scan, Precognition, Psychometry, Sense Danger, Sense Psi | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
3 | Empathy | Animal Bonding, Blending, Empathic Push, Feel Emotions, Inflict Pain, Mental Shield, Psychic Wrack, Sense Psi | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
4 | Martial Mind | Cryokinetics, Body Fortress, Evil Eye, Focus Force, Mental Shield, Psychic Wrack, Pyrokinetics, Sense Danger | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
5 | Mental Savant | Blending, Computer Telepathy, Eidetic Memory, Mental Shield, Sense Danger, Psychic Healing | AtVW 79 |
6 | Telekinesis | Cryokinetics, Focus Force, Levitation, Mental Scan, Mental Shield, Psychokinesis, Shatter | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
7 | Telepathy | Computer Telepathy, Mental Scan, Mental Shield, Mind Probe, Telepathy, Thought Implant | LA 57, AtVW 79, WU 64 |
8 | Thermokinesis | Absorb Heat, Bioelectric Shock, Cryokinetics, Mental Shield, Pyrokinetics, Sense Psi | LA 57 |
By Discipline
Talent | |
1 | Bioelectric Shock |
2 | Body Fortress |
3 | Eidetic Memory |
4 | Inflict Pain |
5 | Intangibility |
6 | Regenerate |
7 | Synaptic Puppetry |
8 | Sap Vigour |
Talent | |
1 | Clairvoyance |
2 | Mental Scan |
3 | Precognition |
4 | Psychometry |
5 | Sense Danger |
6 | Sense Psi |
Talent | |
1 | Animal Bonding |
2 | Blending |
3 | Empathic Push |
4 | Feel Emotions |
5 | Inflict Pain |
6 | Mental Shield |
7 | Psychic Wrack |
8 | Sense Psi |
Martial Mind
Talent | |
1 | Cryokinetics |
2 | Body Fortress |
3 | Evil Eye |
4 | Focus Force |
5 | Mental Shield |
6 | Psychic Wrack |
7 | Pyrokinetics |
8 | Sense Danger |
Mental Savant
Talent | |
1 | Blending |
2 | Computer Telepathy |
3 | Eidetic Memory |
4 | Mental Shield |
5 | Sense Danger |
6 | Psychic Healing |
Talent | |
1 | Cryokinetics |
2 | Focus Force |
3 | Levitation |
4 | Mental Shield |
5 | Psychokinesis |
6 | Shatter |
Talent | |
1 | Computer Telepathy |
2 | Mental Scan |
3 | Mental Shield |
4 | Mind Probe |
5 | Telepathy |
6 | Thought Implant |
Talent | |
1 | Absorb Heat |
2 | Bioelectric Shock |
3 | Cryokinetics |
4 | Mental Shield |
5 | Pyrokinetics |
6 | Sense Psi |
All Talents
Talent | Reference | |
1 | Absorb Heat | LA 58 |
2 | Animal Bonding | AtVW 80, WU 65 |
3 | Bioelectric Shock | LA 58, WU 65 |
4 | Blending | AtVW 81, WU 65 |
5 | Body Fortress | LA 59, WU 65 |
6 | Clairvoyance/Clairvoyant Visions | AtVW 81, WU 66 |
7 | Computer Telepathy | AtVW 81, WU 66 |
8 | Cryokinetics | LA 59, AtVW 82, WU 66 |
9 | Drain Power (Prana) | LA 59 |
10 | Eidetic Memory | AtVW 82, WU 66 |
11 | Empathic Link | LA 59 |
12 | Empathic Push | LA 59, AtVW 82, WU 66 |
13 | Evil Eye | LA 60, AtVW 82, WU 67 |
14 | Feel Emotions | LA 60, AtVW 82, WU 67 |
15 | Focus Force | LA 60, AtVW 82, WU 67 |
16 | Inflict Pain | LA 61, AtVW 82, WU 67 |
17 | Intangibility | LA 61 |
18 | Levitation | LA 61, AtVW 82, WU 67 |
19 | Mental Scan | LA 61, AtVW 82, WU 68 |
20 | Mental Shield | LA 61, AtVW 82, WU 68 |
21 | Mind Probe | LA 61, AtVW 82, WU 68 |
22 | Precognition | LA 62, AtVW 82, WU 68 |
23 | Psychic Healing | AtVW 82, WU 68 |
24 | Psychic Wrack | LA 62, AtVW 82, WU 68 |
25 | Psychokinesis | LA 62, AtVW 82, WU 69 |
26 | Psychometry | LA 63, AtVW 82, WU 69 |
27 | Pyrokinetics | LA 63, AtVW 82, WU 69 |
28 | Regenerate | LA 63, WU 69 |
29 | Sap Vigour | LA 63, WU 70 |
30 | Sense Danger | LA 63, AtVW 82, WU 70 |
31 | Sense Psi | LA 64, WU 70 |
32 | Shatter | LA 64, AtVW 82, WU 70 |
33 | Shift Parallel | LA 64 |
34 | Synaptic Puppetry | LA 64, AtVW 82, WU 70 |
35 | Telepathy | LA 64, AtVW 82, WU 70 |
36 | Thought Implant | LA 64, AtV |
Hex Magic
Spell | Reference (if not MCR) | |
1 | Alarm | |
2 | Appraise | |
3 | Avert | |
4 | Babble | |
5 | Beastcall (X) | |
6 | Befuddle | |
7 | Bladesharp | |
8 | Bludgeon | |
9 | Boost | AtVW 76 |
10 | Breath | |
11 | Bypass | |
12 | Calculate | |
13 | Calm | |
14 | Chill | |
15 | Cleanse | |
16 | Cool | |
17 | Coordination | |
18 | Curse | |
19 | Darkness | |
20 | Deflect | |
21 | Demoralise | |
22 | Dishevel | |
23 | Disruption | |
24 | Dry | |
25 | Dullblade | |
26 | Extinguish | |
27 | Fanaticism | |
28 | Find (X) | |
29 | Firearrow | |
30 | Fireblade | |
31 | Frostbite | |
32 | Glamour | |
33 | Glue | |
34 | Heal | |
35 | Heat | |
36 | Ignite | |
37 | Incognito | |
38 | Ironhand | |
39 | Knock | |
40 | Light | |
41 | Lock | |
42 | Magnify | |
43 | Might | |
44 | Mimic | |
45 | Mindspeech | |
46 | Mobility | |
47 | Pathway | |
48 | Perfume | |
49 | Pet | |
50 | Phantasm | |
51 | Pierce | |
52 | Polish | |
53 | Preserve | |
54 | Protection | |
55 | Remote Control | AtVW 76 |
56 | Repair | |
57 | Repugnance | |
58 | Shock | |
59 | Shove | |
60 | Sleep | |
61 | Slow | |
62 | Speedart | |
63 | Spiritshield | |
64 | Tidy | |
65 | Tire | |
66 | Translate | |
67 | Tune | |
68 | Ventriloquism | |
69 | Vigour | |
70 | Voice | |
71 | Warding | AtVW 77 |
72 | Warmth | |
73 | Witchsight |
A Note on Historical Revisionism and Fictionalization
This game setting makes a number of historical revisions to the often tragic story of North America. This is not meant to minimize, hide, white wash, obscure, apologize for, explain, or justify any of that history or the revisions made herein.
Of particular note in this regard:
- The revision of the practice of slavery in North America as something that the Vattmarchers were able to simply convince the USNA that they had to give up to gain their alliance.
- The revision of the full history of First Peoples and the wholesale retelling as some kind of utopian, Wakanda-style fantasy.
These revisions to history are made in this fictional, fantastical, naive, made up, pollyanaish world in the interest of making a roleplaying game something enjoyable and positive. They are not intended to deny the truth of our tainted history.