Divergent Earth: Parallel 34.21.12

It is the early 20th Century, around 1910.

The Southeastern part of North America is populated by what could be called Voodoo Vikings, who settled in the 12th century.

The West sees an organized federation of First Nations people who protect their borders and their sovereignty, and who were given a leg up by ancient aliens.

In the Northeast is this parallel's version of the United States, which maintains military advantage through alliances with other-dimensional beings and sentient parasitic fungi.

Parallel1 34.21.12 is a homebrew setting for Mythras. It's a mashup of core Mythras, After the Vampire Wars (ATVW), Luther Arkwright (LA), Worlds United (WU), and some homebrew rules.

1 The term parallel is from Luther Arkwright; it means parallel dimension or timeline. The number for a parallel denotes its distance from the "origin" or root dimension.


Please see the note on historical revisionism and fictionalization.

The Mythras game system, rules, etc., and all settings published by them, are copyright The Design Mechanism.

Material on this site not covered by other ownership or copyright statements is Copyright © 2023 Robert Prince.